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I'm very glad to have played this. The storytelling was very well done, with an effective balance. Did a great job of allowing the player to connect with the subject and the relationship. The music was also a great choice.

hey, thank you for the kind words; i'm so glad the experience resonated!


Looks really beautiful and the sound is really nice too, unfortunately I’m trying to play it on my steam deck and I get a glitch where things highlight way above where the cursor is, so I can’t click on things on the bottom of the screen. It happens regardless if I install the native Linux version or the windows version via steam. I’ll probably try to play on my pc later, but figured I’d mention this bug since it popped up.

Hey! This is really helpful, thanks. i’m guessing it’s some kinda surface-y bug bc of the resolution of the deck; i’ll try to have a look asap!


Oh yeah that would make sense. Let me know if you fix it :)

hey! not 100% sure but i think i fixed the buggy cursor on non 16:9 screens. if you get a chance to try the updated build (v1.1) on the steam deck lemme know how it turns out!


Just tried it and unfortunately, now it is zoomed and cropped on the steam deck. However, the previous issue where the cursor wasn’t lining up with the items to click on has been resolved! So if you can fix the crop, it should be good to go.

ah dang! thanks so much for trying it again. i thought i was handling cropping/scaling, but clearly i missed somethin; back to the code! appreciate the support in any case.